Werkplek leren dankzij leerportalen

Dankzij leerportalen kan leren beter worden ingebed in het dagelijks werk. Dat betogen Mary Kay Vona en Piero Granelli in het artikel Portals: Enabling On-Demand Education.

"Just as we have become accustomed to turning on 24-hour news channels or logging onto the Internet to access information anytime, learners will be able to do the same with their education. (…). Businesses can set up portals designed to provide users with a single consistent interface—tailored by job role—to access content, applications, business processes and people, anytime. In fact, most companies already use portals or intranets to share company news, policies and directories. This technology can be adapted easily to transfer important learning material."

Een leesbaar, inleidend, artikel.

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