Dankzij Guido Crolla ben ik gestuit op onderstaande presentatie van John Moravec.
Designing the future of education in Society 3.0
View more presentations from John Moravec.
Behalve dat hij het verschil illustreert tussen onderwijs 1.0, 2.0 en 3.0, bevatten zijn dia's enkele rake citaten:
- Schools should not use new technologies to teach the same old crap.
- Beware, in 3.0 schools:
Technology is key, but…
- Technology is not the answer.
- Technology must be purposive.
- Technology is not the answer.
- No matter how hard we try to cover up 19th century institutions, they will still be 19th century institutions.
- “Technology is a word that describes
something that doesn’t work yet… We notice
things that don’t work. We don’t notice things
that do. We notice computers, we don’t
notice pennies. We notice e-book readers, we
don’t notice books.”
– Douglas Adams
JavaOne Keynote, 1999
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