Graham Attwell en Stephen Downes besteden allebei aandacht aan "The Passion of Learning and Knowing". Dit is een congresbundel met papers die uit twee delen bestaat, en meer dan 1600 pagina’s beslaat. Niet iets om "even" door te nemen. Zo op het eerste oog staan er interessante papers in, zoals:
Volume I:
- Organizational Learning: The Interplay of Routinization and Crisis in Practices
- The social construction of organizational learning and knowledge:
an interactional perspective - Breaking the Tacit Dimension: the Double Helix of Knowledge Creation
- What is the role of unlearning in organisational knowledge?
- Institutionalising Learning in SMEs: Beyond Crossan’s 4I Framework
Volume II:
- The role of structure in the failure of organizations to learn and transform
- Leadership as the source of trust enabling learning and knowledge creation
- Designing a Knowledge Building Community
- Can WebLogs enable legitimate peripheral participation and boundary encounters
- Unleashing Passion for Knowledge Examining Weblogs as a Communication Technology to Foster Organizational Knowledge and Learning
- The Roles of Trust, Relevance, and Causal Ambiguity in Knowledge Transfer and Enjoyment: Classroom vs. Distance Learning
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