Artikelen via podcasting

Curtis Bonk meldt op zijn blog dat recent drie artikelen van hem over (t)e-learning gepubliceerd zijn in online tijdschriften. Het bijzondere hierbij is dat één online magazine de artikelen ook als podcast aanbiedt.

It takes weeks or months (and sometimes years) to think through your ideas and put them to paper in a publishable manner. But what happens when they are played back to you in 30 minutes or perhaps an hour. You hear your ideas pressing up against other ideas that you had. And when it is a collaborative effort (as most of mine are), you see how you were able to weave your distinct voices together. That is really the coolest part. You certainly can see the voices come together in text. However, that is not anywhere near the joy I felt when hearing one of my articles tonight; even if the computer voice pronounced “reification” as “rife-ication.” I can read, save, and print out the text file; but to listen to it is refreshing. It is like having someone in the room with you present your ideas back to you.

Bonk geeft vervolgens tien toepassingen voor podcast-artikelen in het onderwijs.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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